28 oct 2013


Buscando entre los dibujos antiguos retratos de gente conocida ( que hace más gracia) , me he encontrado este grupo familiar. La verdad es que el parecido con los interesados es remoto, pero de eso va este blog ¿ no?

27 oct 2013

Without mercy...

Week of selfportrait series without mercy

I did an interesting exercise last year of doing a self portrait a day which turned out to be without much mercy as obviously there is a limit to nice expressions I can make. Here goes a whole week (not necessarily in order).  There are a mixture of techniques - pen, watercolour, ipad drawings...

So a slight overdose of myself that I don't think it will be repeated....


Fui a la óptica y solo había gafas de pasta para comprar.
Me compré unas.
Luego subí al metro y vi a estos dos modernos.
Los dibujé en mi cuaderno.
Me vino a la cabeza un pensamiento y lo escribí abajo a la izquierda.

I went to the optician and there was only rimmed glasses to buy.
I bought a pair.
Then I went to the subway and I saw these two young modern.
I sketched them.
It came to mind a thought and I wrote it at the bottom left.

La moda de las gafapasta...

24 oct 2013


Una buena amiga, despues de una buena comida.

A good friend,after a good lunch.

23 oct 2013

César Eclecticbox y Ági

Gracias, César por invitación.
Mi primera colaboración: Almuerzo en Casa do Alentejo en Lisboa.

César Eclecticbox

A friend.... named James Tan

Everyone thinks the green one suits him the best. I wonder why.

My most mersyless model

I love to sketch my family members, and my most popular model is my youngest daughter Noa. She got used to my "not always nice" style, I educated her with sentences like "drawing isn't a photograph" and "that's the way I see you". So now she's kind of likes my sketches of her. I have a big collection of her sketches, most of them I use to draw while she was eating. Sharing here some of them :)

 Do you use to draw your family members?

Sleepers on the bus

Careful not to sleep in the bus when I'm around !

sleeper 2
Very elegant sleeper

22 oct 2013

Self portrait

Self portrait by eiriarte
Self portrait, a photo by eiriarte on Flickr.
Edurne, o sea yo, vista por mí misma. Tiene algo de caricatura, pero , en realidad, es bastante piadoso. Es difícil no ser benevolente con uno mismo.

Edurne, my self, in my own sight. With and without mercy at the same time. We ,usually are benevolent with ourselves.
I can't remember the names. Why, am I so bad with names?

Alvaro Carnicero or his ugly brother?

My new contribution today is a portrait I did in the BCN Symposium to Alvaro Carnicero. The incomprehensible fact is that he still phones me once in a while.

Barcelona 41st SkCrl (beer time)

[César "eclecticbox" - Miguel "freekhand" was moving too much... - Small Lapin - Ferran - Mercè]

17 oct 2013


In Seville with Lorenzo Fornés, Patrizia Torres, Sagar, Alvaro Carnicero, Jonathan Alcina, Miguel Herranz, Antonio Shimbcn, ...

15 oct 2013

Moien alleguer! *

Thanks for adding me, Cesar!

I love seeing all these sketches and being able to participate is a great pleasure!

I don't know about you guys, but I find that many of my merciless portraits are very quick sketches, when I don't have the time to focus or don't have a clear view of my subject.

It's the case of this portrait of Ch'ng Kiah Kiean I did during his demo at the symposium. He's even difficult to recognise...

Sorry KK!

*Hello everyone!

My daughter Alice

Sweet Alice

14 oct 2013


At this image Felipe Guadalix told me he looks like Clint Eastwood, I think he exhibits more a picassian faun look. The always ubiquitous Inma shows better than usual on this blog, she seems extracted from a Roald Dahl tale.

Revisitando el Hermitage en Madrid, y tomando alguna cosa

Hipsters, bearded, gafapasta without mercy

I have played with the ambiguity in the subject of resemblance.

I swear I do not really know who they are... 

Some of them have identified themselves.

Drawing in Cuenca

Drawing Jorge  Arranz and Jesús MD in the City of Cuenca

13 oct 2013

12 oct 2013

Portraits WITH mercy.

De mi fondo de armario tres retratos que no tienen nada que ver. Ni en los modelos, ni en la técnica.

Pero los tres están hechos WITH bastante mercy, creo. 

11 oct 2013

some animals don´t need mercy

I was sketching a quiet countryside when this dog came to salivate over me, my response was to sketch him without mercy.

lagunas del Campillo, Rivas-Vaciamadrid

10 oct 2013

Sorry, Cris !

Cristina Urdiales portrays almost everyone, from her fellow sketchers to every character in any x-box game, play station or any other fiction series...while she is playing or watching them.

And sometimes she is also the model in the portrait, but in this case, poor girl, she should have moved far away from me...

Cristina, sin piedad

Tazab & Julie Blaquié

USK Barcelona.

En fin, incluso hechos con la mejor de las voluntades, parecen crueles caricaturas...
(Anyway, even made ​​with the best intentions, seem cruel caricatures ...)