27 oct 2013


Fui a la óptica y solo había gafas de pasta para comprar.
Me compré unas.
Luego subí al metro y vi a estos dos modernos.
Los dibujé en mi cuaderno.
Me vino a la cabeza un pensamiento y lo escribí abajo a la izquierda.

I went to the optician and there was only rimmed glasses to buy.
I bought a pair.
Then I went to the subway and I saw these two young modern.
I sketched them.
It came to mind a thought and I wrote it at the bottom left.

La moda de las gafapasta...

4 comentarios:

  1. Hahaha! Total! Completamente de acuerdo con el comentario!

  2. I understood that GAFAPASTA is a version of hipster? love these two victims!

    1. Its a very specific hipster, actually are those who have reaaaally thick frame glases! :P Very trendy amongst the intellectual type!

  3. Yes Marina! The spanish version of Hipster ;D
