7 oct 2013

No mercy for them :)

Here are a few ones from this summer, and the process for each one was different.
Ursula is very talkative with a great big mouth full of teeth: this is where I started (and I forgot her glasses).
For Fabien I drew first his gentle eyes. (He would like to look like a bad guy, but he has definitely  a friendly face)
For Cat Gout, I started with the glasses sliding down on her nose (she looked a little surprised at that time). 
And Pete had this very concentrated attitude while he was drawing a portrait of Gerard Michel in Barcelona, ​​I did not have to move from my chair to draw him, and I think he did not even notice me.

10 comentarios:

  1. Chaque portrait avec un style propre et différent, trop bien.... ,

  2. Todos fantásticos pero Pete es el que mas me gusta.

  3. I don´t think these potraits fit in the blog - they´re all far too lovely XD

    1. I know you're not being serious Isabell! But just as a reminder (to anybody reading this comment), Portraits without Mercy also take emphasis on very particular expressions and poses in that sense, Úrsula's smile and Pete Scully's pose have been very well captured by Mr Tazab!

    2. I absolutely agree with you, César =)

  4. Gracias a todos para los comentarios..Un placer para mi participar en este blog :)

  5. Alaaaa los acabo de descubrir! me encantan :)
