31 dic 2013

2013 can rest now

In a few hours, this year will be over. Already!

So let's put 2013 to sleep and hope 2014 will be just as good, if not better.

This is how my Dad watches TV

Have a glood slide into the new year, as we say around here. Gudde Rutsch am neie Joer!

29 dic 2013

20 dic 2013


 Ordenando mis fotos antiguas, he encontrado este dibujo de Lapin. Por suerte, su imagen es intemporal.

 I was organizing my old photos and I found this Lapin drawing. Fortunately, his look is timeless.

17 dic 2013

3 dic 2013

I think she was Russian

The first thing that attracted me to this person was the huge fuzzy pom-pom attached to her hat.

The second thing was her long orange-brown hair.

And then there were her long mascara-laden eye-lashes.

That's probably why she doesn't look like a teenage girl in my sketch anymore.

It's not clear from the sketch, but I absolutely loved the pom-pom!

Mariana de Austria

Mariana de Austria was portrayed by Velazquez, but she did not imagined that several centuries later, she was to be portrayed again.

En el Prado, Madrid

Roberta in Seville

During the ¨Encuentro de dibujantes. Cronistas de las dos orillas¨ in Seville I had the chance to portrait Roberta, later on that evening and quite unjustifiably she cuffed me on the back of the head… she's never seen this drawing to this day… I wonder how Karma is working in this case, but lets just keep it rolling!

On his way to Clermont-Ferrand...

Luís Ruiz stopped in Barcelona to travel together with some other sketchers to the ¨Rendez vous du carnet de voyage¨ in France. We had dinner together and this is what came out…

2 dic 2013

Y una ¨lusitana¨

During the ¨Encuentro entre las 2 Orillas¨ in Seville this summer I caught quite mercilessly our dear Portuguese sketcher Ana Luisa Frazão.